Sunday 22 March 2009


Yesterday, I attempted to go to Arnon to see the agent for the Sisters of Eve, but so, apparently, had everyone else! Three hundred people in the system, and the traffic control simply could not keep up with the demands. I gave up even attempting to reach the agent's office, as the station was clearly not designed for that many people. I didn't even bother leaving my hangar; I ordered take-away from an Intaki place there and chatted a bit with others who were equally as frustrated as I.

It was as bad today, if not worse. I guess weekends are busy times for pilots; it seems the exact opposite from planetside work ethics. So I went back to Clellinon, thinking I could stand to wait until Arnon was a bit quieter.

At my hangar, one of my crew told me an agent had left a message to speak with me. Another one? I went to his office, and Messire Eyron asked me to help fight the Serpentis who were harassing a mining colony. I can't stand for that sort of behaviour, so of course I accepted, and destroyed them quickly. Luciérnaga and I make a good team, I think.

It's not over yet, though. In retaliation, the pirates kidnapped a miner and demanded I be turned over to face their justice. Justice! As if the Serpentis know anything about that. And so I go again to confront my enemy in my unlikely battle-Navitas.

These are young pilots I fight. I cannot help but wonder if they are the same children I played with growing up, or if I shall be recognised if I am ever captured by them....

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